EnviroTech Exterminating is proud to offer a Mosquito Control Program. This program is designed to assist in controlling Mosquito populations/reduction for our clients. Get Your Yard Back!
Call Us Today (918) 282-7621Mosquito Control Tulsa, Broken Arrow, Bixby, Jenks. Perfect for Weddings, Parties, Family Reunions, More! Call (918) 282-7621

Mosquitoes & West Nile Virus
West Nile Virus is a type of encephalitis virus that can be transmitted by being bitten by a mosquito infected with the virus. To help reduce your chance of being bitten by a mosquito carrying West Nile Virus, take the following precautions:Tips To Reduce Mosquito Disease Transmission
- Wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts when outdoors.
- Use insect repellent containing DEET.
- Eliminate sources of standing water where mosquitoes can breed.
- Keep grass, weeds and other shrubbery trimmed.
- Avoid being outdoors in the early evening, dusk or dawn, when mosquitoes are most active.
Reduce mosquito populations near you
- Dispose of tin cans, old tires, bottles, jars, buckets, drums, ceramic pots, and other containers, or make sure they contain no standing water.
- Clean clogged gutters and/or slope to downspouts.
- Drain improperly installed and sagging swimming pool covers.
- Change the water in birdbaths at least twice weekly.
- Clean and chlorinate swimming pools, outdoor spas, saunas, and hot tubs. If not in use, keep them empty and covered.
- Change water and scrub containers/vases holding plants twice weekly.
- Empty your pet’s water pan daily.
- Repair leaky pipes and faucets.
- Screen rain barrels and openings to water tanks.
- Eliminate weeds, tall grass and other mosquito breeding places.
- Use larvicide where standing water cannot be removed or fill holes.
- Stock ornamental ponds with mosquito-eating fish.
- Remind neighbors to eliminate breeding sites on their property.
- Make sure doors and windows have tight-fitting screens in good repair.
Special Event Mosquito Control